Prejudgement – Why do people judge when they don’t understand?

Since i got a relationship with a Turkish guy who is Muslim i see a lot of people around me in a different way. Light sense of discrimination, having a prejudgment about him, our relationship or suddenly even about me. – When they found out I’m with a Muslim guy the most reaction become like, ” When you going to wear a Hijab ” or ” When you going to reform? ” etc. etc. – I already don’t drink alcohol, this hasn’t to do anything with my boyfriend. Before i met him is stopped drinking because of my health. I’ve a serious form of a spastic colon. Which is painful. – Of course everyone around me, relate it to him right now. Every time someone finds out i don’t drink anymore they saying ” It’s because of him right? You can’t drink because of him? “. – I really need to laugh about that kind of comments.  Because my boyfriend doesn’t forbid me anything at all. IF i want to drink, it would be my choice. But i don’t feel like being drunk or drinking any alcohol. –

Funny that when a Muslim guy joins your life you see so many people in a different way. Some friends even make horrible comments against him. Comments like ” He’s probably pushing you to become Muslim too” ” He must be very possessive, i bet he won’t let you do anything ” ” He will always be a Muslim and Turkish, i don’t trust that kind ” . It’s Shocking. – Why does everyone has a comment against Muslim people? What did they do you wrong? Not every Muslim is a terrorist or a bad person. Actually, none “real” Muslim is. – In the Quran is no verse about killing people, doing people harm or treating them bad. So every Muslim who does, get’s a minus for his bad actions. –

I’ve experienced my family in law. And I’ve never ever met such heart loving, giving people. Of course nobody is perfect. But they never did anyone any harm, killed someone or treated someone in a bad way. They are so hospitable. You can always count on them. And i bet a lot of people can learn from them. –

Since I’ve been in this relationship i got interested by the Quran too, VOLUNTARILY. – The reason i write that in BOLD. Is because almost everyone reading or hearing this is going to say ” I bet he forces you reading it “. News Flashhhh: He doesn’t at all. And none of his family. – Before i knew him and i was about 12 years i got interested with the Christian religion. I went to Church, fallowed bible lessons and even sang in the church choir. – For the record, I’m born as an atheist. So the interest for religion came from me. – Back then, i loved it, reading about it and everything that came along. – But i didn’t reform. I could find myself in a lot of stories and many thoughts suited me. But not enough to reform. There were still a lot of missing pieces. – So the interest for a religion is nothing new. – Now reading the Quran i feel the same like back then. I can find myself in a lot what there is written in the Quran and many thoughts suite me. But still I’m not convinced. I’ve not read the whole book, so never say never. But YES, I’m interested and yes i like to explore things about the Islam. But NO he does not mandatory me to do anything. Actually his whole family loves me for who i am. Respects me and let me be me. –

The other day i was with his niece and aunt. We were talking about the Islam, why they wear Hijab and more. His niece said to me ” We are so happy he found someone like you. We don’t mind you are Dutch or none religion, we like you the way you are. And we be in luck because you are so interested by the Islam. You did not have to. ” I smiled and explained that i feel blessed with such loving people around me, letting me be me. But i like reading and hearing about the Islam and that i will never say never about getting reformed. Then his aunt said ” When you choose to reform we will welcome you with open arms, but please only choose that way of life when you are fully supporting your choice. You have to feel it in your heart. And remember rather you do or don’t choose for the Islam, you’re always welcome” . – Isn’t it beautiful how they let people be the way they want to be. Have respect for every person who respects them? –

One of the other things. When me and my boyfriend walk together somewhere he get discriminated in every single way. – Last time we walked through the supermarket and I was standing in the bread department while he was exchanging empty bottles. When I look his way I saw him talking with a guy because the scanning device did not recognize one of the bottles. It looked like he was having a hard time and was having a big discussion. So I came closer to listen to what the guy was saying. My boyfriend was explaining him this happened before with the same bottle and the last time we got another bottle so the scanner could give us the refund. The guy was hesitating and looked at him like he was saying something weird as shit. And then there was me! I confirmed his story to the guy and told him again that this happened to us whit this bottle before. Without any hesitating he grabbed the bottle and came back with another one who the scanner did recognize. I thanked him and turned around, straight looking in my boyfriends eyes who stood there perplexed. – Later that day we came back on that moment and he asked me if I also saw what happened. – Without any reason the guy treated him like crap because you doesn’t look Dutch. But when I interfered myself in the conversation he suddenly was all nice and it was no problem. – Isn’t Holland a multi culti country? Why the heck would we treat people that way?

I really think that the disrespect against Muslims or Foreign people is because of the Media. When 911 happened the Islam came in a bad light and every person in the world created a bad image about Muslim people. – But when a Neighbor down the street rapes your little girl or when a colleague at work steals your lunch, not every ( in my case Dutch ) men or woman is a rapist or a thief. But why, when a Muslim guy does something, suddenly every Muslim is a bad person? Or that person who says “ I hate all Turkish people, except my neighbor Ali, He’s such a good guy.”  Isn’t that ironic?

So here is my conclusion. People judge because they don’t understand. They don’t understand why some Muslim woman wear a Hijab or why a Muslim prays vive times a day. They don’t understand, that the Guys who caused the dead of thousands of people at 911 have nothing to do with being a Muslim. Those guys are just horrible, horrible people who hide behind their actions by causing other good people a bad name. We don’t understand because we follow the crowed, don’t think for ourself and believe everything the media is telling us.

We people need to stop generalize and start to personalize. See every person separated from the crowd. No one is the same, remember that before you judge.

Now you’ve read this, please let me know how you think about it , remeber i got respect for everyone and every culture and religion. That’s the main reason for writing this! And please watch this Video. :

What all muslims are hiding from you.


our love

From the beginning till now i’ve found my best friend inside him. He’s everything i wish for and more. We can be together for 24/7 and still can’t get enough of eachother. We can talk for ours, be insainly crazy together, act like morons and discuss every subject. I tell him everything and that’s the same with him. I can say i found my soulmate.